Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The video store and other random thoughts

  • When Josh and I first got married, we lived in a tiny little bum-hole (can I say that?) of a town in upstate NY. It had a ratty, overpriced, disgusting-produce sort of grocery store, a couple mom and pop restaurants, a deli counter that served as a bus station pickup, a butcher, and ...a video store. (I realize that these are pretty much a thing of the past.) Anyway, Josh is a total movie junkie, and seeing how I kind of like him and like to spend time with him, we watch[ed] a *lot* of movies. Which is okay. Choosing a movie, though? I could scream. I am telling you, we'd go into the video store (which really? was a DVD store), and I'd immediately see a movie or two I'd be interested in renting. He'd say no. And we'd keep looking. And I'd see another (or seven) I was interested in. He'd say no. And we'd keep looking. Repeat ad nauseum. Come full circle and begin again. And I am disgusted to note that we would often spend upwards of 45 minutes LOOKING FOR a movie and leave with nothing. A couple times he was working night shifts and I'd go into the same video store, literally walk in the door, pick the first movie that looked good, and walk out. The lady at the counter would chuckle every time. "Little faster on your own, eh?" Ha ha ha. When we moved down here, we did something much less annoying for me, which is that he'd go into the store to pick a movie, and I'd sit in the car and call my parents or something. Netflix helped a bit, because you can spend all the time you want picking movies for your queue, and then you just have to watch the one that arrives in your mailbox. We don't have Netflix anymore, though.
  • Today I asked my Facebook friends to tell me what they've been reading. The result is 24 new books on my to-read list. Almost every single recommendation I received is on that list, plus a few of my own... but my point is, I pretty much will read whatever, if it remotely interests me. Some books are REALLY good, but sometimes I just want to pick up the first book that catches my attention, bring it home, and read it. You know?
  • Today was the best sort of day. The kind where even though you were up in the middle of the night, you got to sleep a little bit late, and the weather was nice, and you got to get outside not once, but twice... and it involved cookies. And friends. *Satisfied sigh.*
  • I am all set to head off for a delicious weekend with my girl friends this weekend. We're doing the whole massages-and-pedicures-and-no-kids thing. And I get to run a 5K instead of 6 miles. On a cross country course, not my treadmill. And we are dressing up for dinner.
  • I can't find the iPod and it's making me crazy, especially since I am the one who had it last. And I'm usually the one who takes responsibility for noting when its battery is dead/dying and needs to be charged, so I know it's not plugged in and charging somewhere. I can't remember where I even saw it last. And every day that goes by that I can't find it, it feels more lost. It's stressful.


Amy said...

I am impressed you have time to read. I am trying to make more time for reading, or rather make reading a priority.

So excited for your girls weekend. I want to hear all about it.

Beth said...

You know, I only just started making time to read, myself, fairly recently. I thought - I LIKE to read. Why can't I just get a book and read a little here and there? My first book since the boys (seriously.) was Born to Run, and that was maybe September-ish? I can't remember. Anyway, all at once I realized I hadn't read anything that wasn't related to breastfeeding or potty training or sleep habits or time out theories or vaccination schedules in literal YEARS. I kind of get on kicks where I will read a LOT and then drop it again.

Laurel said...

I am still intermittently working on "The Help." I'm stuck because the mom with the young daughter makes me so mad I have to put it down. Also occasionally picking the Harry Potter books back up . . . perfect distraction, don't have to do much thinking. And I loved Born to Run!