Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Ten Second Thoughts

...in honor of my dear friend, Beth Bojarski, who has said she loves my 10 second thoughts. :)

*Matt had his two-year well child visit today. 29+ pounds, 36+ inches. (I didn't listen very well, huh?) He's in the 90s percentile-wise for height and head circumference, and only 65% for weight! Ha! I do think he has recently had a growth spurt, though: he's grown UP, but not OUT, yet. He's in the 100th percentile for cuteness.

*My mother-in-law told me the awesome gift she is giving me for my birthday: she is paying for me to take a class, any class, from the continuing education brochure at the local community college. From basketweaving to beginning conversational Polish, the options are endless. I chose Barefoot Cardio Pilates. I'll let you know... oh! And the gift includes watching my kids every Wednesday night (at least when Josh is working) from October through December. :) Isn't she the best?

*Running is in a weird spot in my life right now. I want to do it more, more, more, but I have less, less, less time (and commitment level) to do it. Each time I run, I get a little taste of actual fit-ness and I want more of that.

*I finally finished writing out my birth stories for both boys. Is there actual interest in reading those? I was considering back-posting them to the boys' birth dates, so they're here for my own reading but not on the front page, you know?

*Ben took a nap today. The only way he takes a nap anymore (and for the last several months) is to lay with me on the couch. I can tell when he is going to. He'll climb up on me and writhe around forever, and then he'll settle in and become dead weight. I can never discourage this (even when it's too late in the day to be a good idea), because who can turn down an hour+ long snuggle with their little boy? He sweats like crazy, though. Ewww.

*We had Parent Night at Ben's preschool today. It did sort of make it more real. I think I am in denial again, though... I cried about it awhile back, the whole going off to school thing, but mostly I have been excited for him, lately. He'll thrive, and so will Matt, with the 1-on-1 time at home. Anyway, I've never taken him somewhere and left him before, outside of the church nursery, so I imagine it'll all come crashing down around me at some point. Sniff, sniff. Josh totally doesn't get it. "What's there to be sad about? I think it's exciting! He gets to do new stuff." READ: He's getting more fun. Josh and babies don't really mix, I guess. ;)

*I have an appointment to get my hair done, soon. I feel like my hair is fine, forever and ever, and I don't pay it any attention for the longest time... and then, all at once, it is despicable what it looks like and its surly attitude I just cannot abide. And then I wait 3 more weeks and finally make a hair appointment. For two weeks away. *sigh*

*I have a lot of laundry to fold.


Amy said...

I do the same thing when it comes to my hair.

What an awesome idea for a gift, your mother in law is so creative.

And you're totally the mom who said 100th percentile for cuteness :) We'll let it slide.

Dana said...

Great idea for your birthday! You have a thoughtful MIL!

Laurel said...

I am exactly the same for hair . . . except I really try hard to get it in the very day that I can't stand it anymore, like last Tuesday!!! Now it is short, short, short! I know, pics . . .

That present from your mother-in-law is best ever, I would love to be able to take a photography class. Hmmm . . .

I agree on the watching other people's kids, I have little tolerance. Yours really are cute, though!