Saturday, January 16, 2010

What I've been up to...

Once in awhile, I get the urge to do some sort of home improvement project. I like to pick things that I can do on my own, so I don't have to ask for any help at any point - meaning, I can work at my own pace and get things done as I have the time. I never have to wait for anyone else's expertise, and I don't have to consider someone else's opinion, either!

The cabinets in my laundry area (yes, it is mine; Josh doesn't venture there ever except to add recyclable stuff to the pile nearby) are, I am guessing, the old cabinets from our kitchen before the previous owner remodeled. Have you ever seen uglier hardware in your life?
I started out by removing the hardware, thinking maybe I'd add some simple knobs or leave it off completely. Huge improvement, no?
But then I got the idea to paint. This cabinet is over the dryer, and it (obviously) holds my detergents and the like. I took the door off already, but you can imagine how gorgeous it was.
Here is the first (or second?) coat of paint. And do you love how my drop cloth is two old pillow cases? You can't tell how nasty they are from the picture because the yellowed part is covered by the cabinet door.
And three coats of paint later, here is my "new" cabinet! I think it looks great, though quite out of place in the unfinished area where it hangs.
Now if I could just muster up the energy to do the rest...


pen said...

Looks good! Keeping going! I swear I went on a trim-painting kick when N.Lo was around the same age. Weird. :)

The Carlson Chronicles said...

Wow--such an improvement! Looks good!