Tuesday, August 31, 2010


August 31, 2009. I had an appointment with the midwife at 40 weeks, 3 days pregnant. My mom had been at our house for a week at this point, because Ben had been born at 39 weeks, 3 days, and she didn't want to miss the delivery. My belly was huge, it hurt to bend over, my stretch marks hurt, I was tired... yadda yadda. The midwife asked me how I was feeling, and I basically said I was willing to be induced. We did a non-stress test, seeing how I was past my due date, and it was really neat to hear Matty's little heartbeat for several minutes. It struck me that I'd had probably a dozen non-stress tests with Ben, and yet this was my first with Matt. When the test was over, my midwife came in and said I had an appointment to be induced in the morning. Funny, I thought - just days ago my brother had called to say that he was not willing to share his birthday, so that baby better come out, already... and here it seemed that my baby would share a birthday with my brother after all. It was weird. My bag was already packed, I was "ready" for go time... but it was all so surreal. I've composed a blog post in my head a hundred times about what it's like to be induced. It's called "Babies by appointment." If I ever post it, you'll know. Anyway, it's odd to know that Baby is coming and when.

I called the following morning at 6 a.m. as directed. They were overwhelmed and I didn't have any luck getting a bed till 10 a.m. I remember I colored my mom's hair while we waited. :) I had a non-stress test at the hospital, and walked and walked and walked, had a dose of Cytotec at noon, walked some more... blah blah, Pitocin started at 4. Six hours later, Matt was born, at 10:07 p.m. And he shares Scott's birthday. Someday I'll post my labor/delivery story. I have Ben's written down too, somewhere.

Anyway, he's here now, and he's wonderful, and I love him more every day that goes by. He is sweetness, wrapped up in a little boy body, and I'd go through every second of labor for him all over again. Yay for Matthew.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I know part of you is crushed that your little baby is now a.... (what did we decide to call it?)

But I know you will love all these next moments to come with your boys as they grow.