Friday, March 18, 2011


  1. Getting outside. It was nearly 60° outside before 9 am! I took the boys with me to run some errands and surprised them with stopping at the park. It was Matt's first time at the park since he can walk (at least since he can walk well). It was SO nice out!
  2. The boys got to wear their fleeces!! I don't know why this is so much nicer than a puffy warm jacket, but it's easier to get it on them, it's easier to get them into their carseats, it's easier to toss it in the wash when it gets dirty... the list goes on. Including:
  3. BEN CAN ZIP HIS OWN FLEECE. Marry that with a pair of Velcro sneakers, and boom! I'm preparing ONE child for the great outdoors. Woo hoo! Well, I take that back. I still do have to help Ben get his fleece on, but he's good from there!
  4. It's baseball hat weather! I love Ben in a baseball hat. It's so cute! Matt has taken a liking to it, too. He put on an old Yankees hat (that was Ben's before it was his, and Abel's before it was Ben's) and insisted on leaving it on while I put him down for his nap. It came off when I laid him in the crib... he sat up, put it back on, and laid back down. Too funny!
  5. It's SUNNY out there. SUN. S-U-N, sun! We don't get much of that around here.
  6. It's a Daddy and Ben afternoon, which means I only have Matt at the moment, aaaaaand he's sleeping. Pass the bon-bons, please!
  7. Josh is off all weekend and we have NOTHING to do. Yippee!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Yay for spring!!! The winter doldrums have been here so long, but we are chasing them away!