Saturday, November 19, 2011

It's the most ... wonderful tiiiiiime of the year!

Hey-o! Short-ish random thoughts, holiday-style!

  • Our Christmas cards are ordered and have arrived! (I actually did do this back in October; there was a CVS photo shop sale.) I started addressing them but had to stop myself so I'd have something fun and Christmas-y to do in later November and in December!
  • Our Christmas shopping is mostly done. At least, a great big chunk of it. I don't know what's gotten into us this year. We did a lot of shopping on Black Friday last year, and this year we are even ahead of that. It's fun, though; kind of frees up the season to make cookies and go to parties and whatnot.
  • We were invited to another Ugly Sweater Christmas party this year. You should see Josh's get-up. Actually, I'm sure there will be a photo op, and that I won't be able to stop myself from documenting his 'look.' I still have to check the Salvation Army to get my fashion on. They didn't have their ugly sweaters on display yet, last time we checked.
  • I am excited about a few of the gifts we've found this year. I started thinking Christmas at our local Putnam sale, which is a basically a GINORMOUS warehouse full of books for 90% off. I got books for all the little boys in my life!
  • Buying online is so much fun! It's fun to scout out the gift itself, search for a better deal, Google for free shipping codes, and then - the best part - you get FUN mail in a few days/weeks!
  • We are getting a real tree this year. I always swore I would never have a fake tree, but we did go ahead and sell out and buy one a few years back. It's the real deal this year, though, and Josh talked me into colored lights. Shudder. ;) At least I talked *him* out of the "globe" bulbs... mostly. We did get rounded lights, but they are much, much smaller. The ones I linked to are golf ball-sized. Yikes.


Amy said...

Please tell me they are blinking colored lights (double shudder)

Beth said...

Haha, if they had them, he'd probably want them. Ha! I have this vision of the perfect tree, white lights, maybe a pearly garland... Josh loves colored lights, colored balls, and that big, floofy, silver, feather-boa type garland. Hee hee. We duke it out every year! :)

Sherri said...

Caleb always has loved the colored lights. I made him put them in his room. But now we have some huge (like two inches long) bulbs of those retro big colored lights for outside, as in go big or go home. He is in heaven. I am not sure the boys will try to coerce me into this year...

I just did a lot of online shopping - it felt wonderful! I tried to stuff the feeling I might find something cheaper later.

pen said...

I'm so impressed (and jealous!) that you've got so much shopping done! And the cards!

I love the colored light vs. white light argument, and the fake vs. real tree. I sit on the fence for both. This year we have a fake tree, because it was given to us. Never used. And way more than we'd ever spend - so I'm not arguing!

Jules said...

CHip prefers the color lights too and I like the white. I think tinsil is the worst thing ever though- what a mess! I really want to a real tree one year too, like trek out into the wilderness and cut it down. I want to wait until Anna is a little older though. I feel the same way you do about the Christmas cards. This is the earliest I have ever had them. I think I may stamp the envelopes just for fun.

And the Christmas sweater thing sounds hilarous! Please post pics. :)