Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Random Thoughts

alternately entitled, Yes I am in denial that Matt will be one soon. :)

  • How is it possible that blueberries can be named one of nature's "perfect foods" when they arrive whole, with skin intact, in Matt's diaper?
  • One of my earliest memories is of me sitting on my parents' brown striped couch, in the living room of our mobile home, asking my mom how old I was. She said, "Three." I'm not sure if it's possible to remember things that far back, but if that's true, I better start being a better mom to Ben. Ha!
  • Also when I was very young: Scott told me his germs were "worser" than my germs. I'm sure I argued the point; turns out he was right.
  • Ben fairly recently shoved small balls of (red) Play-Doh into each ear and into each nostril. It was awesome getting it out, with tweezers, my nursing pen light, a bulb syringe, some tissues, and some wipes. Him crying actually helped.
  • I started reading James Dobson's Bringing Up Boys (thanks, Kate!) the other day, and the intro suggests that there really ARE differences between boys and girls from birth... beginning with the presence and amount of testosterone (duh), which actually DOES influence things like a boy's affinity for risk-taking and the like. It was like when you clean your [sun]glasses or a mirror, and suddenly you can see clearly - boys really are a different breed.
  • I played the clarinet from fifth grade to eleventh grade and then again for a few weeks in 2003, at the staff band concert for the school I was working at. It occurred to me today that not everyone can read music. I can. I hope our boys learn to play an instrument.

1 comment:

Dana said...

I love the playdough thought...You were well prepared for the extraction! Adam just drank dish soap last Friday...and he's 5! Boys really are different from girls!